Thursday 8 March 2012

The Seven Dwarfs= Seven Deadly Sins

Snow White flipped out of the frying pan into the fire, chased by a hunter, into the dark gloomy woods. Seven Dwarfs (not unusual at all) welcomed her in to their humble home keeping her hostage to cook and clean; but what if these seven fellows were the seven deadly sins? Camouflaging their true identities underneath animated hieroglyphics? How can we defeat them in battle? Well, one thing is for certain...Snow White will be in deep trouble! Imagine:

  • Dock greedily looking down upon his fellow patriots, slyly counting the amount of diamonds he brought in for the day, making the gap between rich and poor larger.
  • Grumpy lashing out at Snow White with his wrath, slicing her with his tongue by abusing her rights.
  • Happy glutinously sucking and slurping up all the food creating poverty amongst his household.
  • Sleepy slothing around with his hands in his pockets; pushing the unemployment number up even higher.
  • Bashful hiding his vanity behind a mask of status not allowing anyone to beat him in the race of life.
  • Sneezy envying Snow Whites lifestyle, robbing her of her spirit and dragging her down with him.
  • And lastly Dopey, lusting and longing for someone/something that is not rightfully his.
We can put ourselves in Snow Whites shoes. Relating the Seven Dwarfs with the seven deadly sins, one realises that they have escaped from Pandora’s Box. Very powerful forces waiting for you behind each and every corner; but we have secret weapons:
  • A fresh fountain of LIFE
  • The shining light of LOVE
  • The power of DANCE

The power of a positive attitude will stump out the negative forces...the ‘Seven Dwarfs’ are more than welcome to take their ‘diamonds’ and run for the hills!


  1. Once again a phenomenal post Zaan. The fact that you are linking it to things we are learning in class shows you capability to absorb, analyse and place information in easy to understand context. A massive thumbs up for this Hun. #futureprleader

  2. Hi, I come again. Actually I did not get your point last time. now i cleary understand that with feedback of Bronwyn. anyway Well Done.
