Thursday 16 February 2012


Cape Town is a beautiful city; although each and every morning, the trip to town is horrendous! Strings of cars, idiots who got their licence in lucky packets and moving so slowly, even a snail races past you flipping you off with their feelers. When one is spending an hour and a half in traffic for 48 weeks per year, 5 days a week, it equals to 360 hours of time wasted! 360 hours of just sitting staring at the bumper in front of you...shocking isn’t it?

On a lighter note, here is my personal TOP 10 LIST of things to do while stuck in traffic. Spending your time more wisely; live, love, dance!

10.    Have a nice cup of steaming coffee or tea. It is great for rainy days.

9.      Moisturise your skin with a luscious vanilla scented cream.

8.      Eat a fruit salad decorated with peach yoghurt-challenge!

7.      Meditation. Clear your mind, slowly formulating a plan of action of the day- step by step.

6.      Listen to an audio book to distract you from the traffic lying ahead.

5.      Memorise every single word of your favourite rap song:“I like big bu”

4.      Listen to your favourite female artist, e.g. Annie DiFranco, and sing with on the top of your lungs! Open the window let the world hear your voice!

3.      Plan an exercise regime for the week lying ahead. An active mind is a healthy mind!

2.      Teach yourself a new language. Pop a training CD in the frontloader and away you go!

1.      Pump the music at its top volume and dance/bounce around in your car! Skrillex is my favourite. Look on the bright side, people you see in traffic will never see you again!

Have a go at each of these suggestions! 

Time flies when you are having fun & at least it's time not wasted.


  1. One word I can say, Brilliant! Some of those I hvae tried. Your humour is great and amazing structure. Keep it up!

  2. LOVE THIS. I did 9,7 and five yesterday lol.

  3. Number 10 & 1! Religiously, everyday (even when not in traffic).
    I will be sur eto try the others, although i do not have my license and never drive, so i have 2 hands available (which leaves room for more challenge!)

  4. WHOOP WHOOP! I did number 8 had to see the people's faces as I drove past them with fruit salad and yoghurt all over my face. Had a good laugh and turned up the volume!

  5. Nice list. 3 & 7 my favourite. 7 can be trickly in traffic though. I have a tendancy to drift so far away I fail to see the car in front braking. Ooooops. Nonetheless, great idea, and well written.

    1. So happy you enjoyed it! Thank you kind gentlemen...I also drift off. WHOOP'sie...
