Thursday 16 February 2012

How hard is it to follow instructions?

That is the billion dollar question: to follow or not to follow. After all, before one follows instructions, you have to make the decisions of doing so in the first place.

It is human nature to rebel against following instructions. You know for a fact you should do so although the question occurs: what if? What happens if I try it my way by throwing out the instructions manual?  Time and time again, dumping the manual was the wrong idea or rather the incorrect “school of thought”.

It all boils down to ones gut feeling. Trust your instincts; flick that little devil off your shoulder. Instructions are usually there to make our lives easier, but sometimes we want to try things our own way even though it might make life so much harder for ourselves.

Here is a thought: follow your heart! Win or lose, at least you can say you did it your way. 



  1. Lol so true and I had to chuckle when I saw school of thought. They say that sometimes people must learn by their own mistakes and it his might be true because how do you ever improve if you have never failed ;0)

  2. TRUE! My gran stayed with us for plus minus 10 years. She always told me I am preparing my food in the wrong way. I just continued with my ways and soon learnt that ignoring the toaster... isn't the best way to go.
