Friday 6 July 2012

Top 200 achievements...completed before I depart from this life

Ladies and gentlemen, this is indeed my ‘bucket list”.  Why list 200 things I have accomplished tediously if there could be a twist? How about listing 200 things I still WANT to achieve. This list will leave you in giggles and disbelief!  Love it, hate it, I don’t mind. It is my journey, join me for a ride!

Image obtained from
  1. Finishing my 4th study year with a distinction.
  2. Road trip from Cape Town to the Oppiekoppie Music Festival.
  3. Go on a “Ghost Tour” in Cape Town.
  4. Pick strawberries at a farm.
  5. Successfully grow out my fringe.
  6. Have a group of 20+ friends going to Rocking the Daises (music festival) and form our own communion for the weekend.
  7. Swim with dolphins.
  8. Ride on an elephants back.
  9. Milk a cow!
  10. Donate clothes, toys and food to an orphanage.
  11. Go on the Cable Car (Table Mountain) on my birthday.
  12. Name my first white cat Hello Kitty.
  13. Work as an editor at Universal Pictures.
  14. Go on a wine tour in Stellenbosch.
  15. Obtaining my Master Degree in film.
  16. Party on a ‘Party bus’.
  17. Go to the Blip Festival in New York.
  18. Go for horse riding/jumping lessons.
  19. Live in the UK for a year.
  20. Skiing and snowboarding in the Alps.
  21. Dress-up as a Zebra for a Halloween party.
  22. Help build houses for underprivileged people.
  23. Hike through Mozambique.
  24. Plant my own tree in my garden.
  25. Have a coffee at Starbucks.
  26. Create/shoot a scary South African horror film.
  27. Stand underneath a waterfall.
  28. Experiencing a Christmas in the snow.
  29. Participating in a horse jumping competition and earning first prize.
  30. Have a successful editing career.
  31. Indulging at a Day Spa for a weekend.
  32. Go for a fencing lesson.
  33. Complete a marathon! (jogging)
  34. Master the art of Ballroom dancing.
  35. Do the splits vertically and horizontally.
  36. Dancing in a company for a year.
  37. Strolling down the red carpet in a beautiful evening gown.
  38. Ride a unicycle.
  39. Achieve my ideal weight and BMI.
  40. Fly in a helicopter.
  41. Work with director Baz Luhrman.
  42. Eating nachos and drinking tequila in Mexico.
  43. Become a Victoria Secret model.
  44. Watching a runway show in Paris during Fashion Week.
  45. Visiting a coffee shop in Amsterdam.
  46. Learn how to communicate in a different language: French.
  47. Go to watch Skrillex live!
  48. Own an apartment.
  49. Learn how to play the Saxophone
  50. Master the art of Modern Dancing.
  51. Image obtained from
  52. Experience a new year’s evening at “Resonance”.
  53. Visit Thailand with only one back-pack.
  54. Understanding exactly how Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop works.
  55. Obtaining my PHD in film.
  56. Visit a volcano. 
  57. Being able to shoot properly with a fire arm.
  58. Ride on a camel’s back.
  59. Get a firearm license.
  60. Volunteer to wash oil off penguins.
  61. Participate in an international dancing competition.
  62. Shave a sheep.
  63. Go on the ‘Orange River Tour’ via canoe.
  64. Drive around an entire day and hand-out sandwiches to homeless people.
  65. Work on at least a 100 music videos.
  66. Witness the Victoria Falls.
  67. Make a seven layer dark, white and milk chocolate cake.
  68. Buy my own car: Mini Cooper.
  69. Shake Nelson Mandela’s hand.
  70. Fly first class on British Airways.
  71. Earn an income of LMS 9.
  72. Get my ‘Teachers Certificate’ for Modern Dancing.  
  73. Become a model at Boss Models.
  74. Volunteer at a rehab centre to keep the patients company.
  75. See the Northern Lights.
  76. Make my own strawberry jam.
  77. Grow my own herb garden.
  78. Be a Maid of Honour for at least one of my friends.
  79. Become a member of the Editors Guild in Cape Town.
  80. Doing a course in Neurology.
  81. Learn how to communicate in a different language: Portuguese.
  82. Go scuba diving!
  83. Climb out Table Mountain.
  84. Master the art of Ballet.
  85. Learn glassblowing.
  86. Eat sushi in Japan.
  87. Visit all the castles in Scotland.
  88. Work on a film which receives an Oscar.
  89. Have a vacation on a Holiday Cruise.
  90. Grow Bonsai trees.
  91. Visit Roswell, New Mexico and look for UFO's.
  92. Watch a live show of Darren Brown.
  93. Represent SA at an international Film Festival.
  94. See the 7 Wonders of the World.
  95. Understanding exactly how the software Pro Tools work.
  96. Participate as a show girl for one evening.
  97. Become the editor of an international TV series.
  98. Shoot and edit at least 200 wedding videos.
  99. Attend October Fest in Germany.
  100. Squash grapes with my feet and make my own wine.
  101. Learn how to play the Cello.
  102. Bar crawling in Ireland.
  103. Participating in the Zombie Walk in Cape Town.
  104. Win a competition (ANY!).
  105. Create my very own walk-in cupboard.
  106. Having a sandwich stand at a music festival (Zanwhich Cafe).
  107. Go to Las Vegas!
  108. Go fishing!
  109. Ride on one of the biggest roller coasters.
  110. Visit Butterfly World.
  111. Go on a safari.
  112. Visit the Grand Canyon.
  113. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
  114. Attend the Carnival in Rio.
  115. Grow orchids.
  116. Learn how to fold origami figures.
  117. Adopt an animal from the SPCA.
  118. Shop at Harrods in London.
  119. Create my Family Tree.
  120. Own a Queen Size bed!
  121. Build a tree house.
  122. Host a Murder Mystery Dinner.
  123. Have my own exclusive clothing range.
  124. Dance at Arts Cape, Cape Town.
  125. Go to The Sundance Film Festival.
  126. Ride on a Segway.
  127. Finnish a crossword puzzle.
  128. Go to Times Square on New Year's Eve.
  129. Get a henna tattoo.
  130. Create a fragrance.
  131. Watch the Top 100 Best Movies of All-Time.
  132. Go to a nude beach.
  133. Make a bonfire!
  134. Learn to bartend.
  135. Sleep in a hammock.
  136. Drink a cocktail out of a coconut.
  137. Dance with Hula dancers in Hawaii.
  138. Participate in a protest.
  139. Stand in the crown of the Statue of Liberty.
  140. Open a champagne bottle with a sword.
  141. Attend a braai  at Mzolies, Cape Town.
  142. Eat at one of Gordon Ramsey’s restaurants.
  143. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon.
  144. Learn how to surf.
  145. Eat Turkish Delight in Turkey.
  146. Go through a Hedge Maze.
  147. Attend a cooking class.
  148. Make a sushi platter from scratch.
  149. Go on an Amazon Rainforest adventure.
  150. Image obtained from
  151. Create a splat painting in my lounge. 
  152. Visit Monkey Town.
  153. Create a photo wall.
  154. Learn Sign Language.
  155. Play in an orchestra.  
  156. Do a Photography course.
  157. Purchase a state of the art video camera.
  158. Create my own editing studio.
  159. Jump from a cliff into deep water.
  160. Become a Wine Connoisseur.
  161. Learn how to knit.
  162. Go Green!
  163. Try ALL the women’s products at The Body Shop.
  164. Audition for a leading role in a movie.
  165. Participate in an antique auction.
  166. Recycle all my waste (papers, plastic, glass, fruit peels etc.)
  167. Design my own furniture.
  168. Try eating oysters.
  169. Create a six course meal for me and my loved one.
  170. Learn how to make smoothies.
  171. Have a water balloon fight.
  172. Make a tie-die dress.
  173. Learn how to shoot on a Phantom camera.
  174. Do a First-Aid course.
  175. Drive in a South African taxi.
  176. See a real life panda bear.
  177. Go for a pedicure and ask the person to paint all your toenails different colours.
  178. Go sky-diving.
  179. Be a back-up dancer in a music video/live performance.
  180. Throw a major dress-up party!
  181. Pose naked in front of an art class.
  182. Watch a fireworks show at the beach.
  183. Go paintballing!
  184. Take a photo a day for a year.
  185. Go white water rafting.
  186. Go skinny dipping at midnight.
  187. Visit Bora Bora.
  188. Have a day train trip.
  189. Walk on fire.
  190. Sleep under the stars.
  191. Learn how to interpret dreams.
  192. Stage dive and crowd surf at a rock concert.
  193. Become a mascot for one event.
  194. Be able to do the difficult yoga poses
  195. Go on a detox diet for 21 days.
  196. Kiss passionately in the rain.
  197. Survive an endurance camp.
  198. Visit Sea World.
  199. Take a trip to see glaciers and polar bears.
  200. Stand at the North or South Pole.
  201. Participate in the world’s biggest water fight during Thailand’s New Year’s festivities.
  202. Visit a “real” blues bar in Chicago.

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