Monday 18 June 2012

The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online

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In my opinion, consequence does not really exist; EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Then again, there have been very unexpected and awkward consequences of me being online. Here is a list which made my top ten:
  1. Spam bombarding my screen leading to a “Busty Asians” website followed by my dad entering the room...face palm!
  2. Accepting a friend request from someone who seems to be an old friend, although you accidently gave a pervert your BBM pin.
  3. Working via a WIFI-spot only to find that you need to pay for it...sigh.
  4. One of your mothers’ close friends having an intense and in-depth conversation with you over Facebook...uncomfortable.
  5. Viewing a blog with the most inappropriate pictures, e.g. a woman giving birth in excruciating detail.
  6. Stumbling across a ‘Heroin Helper’ website when one is researching a completely different medical condition.
  7. Turning into a hypochondriac when one diagnoses oneself with symptoms related to a serious illnesses (A friend of mine, do not ask!).
  8. Chatting to friend via online soon to realise that they are inside your house outside your bedroom door-scary!
  9. When your uncle ‘likes’ a photo with you and your friends at the beach wearing bikinis.
  10. Your ex-boyfriend hacking your Facebook account in order to read ALL your messages and notifications.
All of the above are TRUE stories! Have any you would like to share? Post a comment!

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