Wednesday 4 April 2012

The “Easter Bunny”, “Tooth Mouse/Fairy” and “Father Christmas”

Remember those bizarre stories/characters which your parents/guardians told you when you were a toddler?  Easter is coming up and it started the slippery slope of my childhood memories.

The “Easter Bunny”

Honestly, why did they tell me that there is a human sized bunny hopping amongst us, dropping/hiding chocolatey goodness, such as easter eggs, in the garden? As a child, I could not wait for the “egg hunt”, but imagine seeing this monstrosity?  Psychology sessions for a lifetime! 

 The “Tooth Mouse/Fairy”
This is absolutely terrifying. These creatures enter your room, AT NIGHT, and in exchange for a tooth, they leave some coins (or notes if you are lucky). This sounds like a plot from the gruesome and cleverly thought out horror film SAW.

My experience with the “Tooth Mouse” came to a halting end when I stayed awake and created a booby-trap for this tooth stealing thief.  Unfortunately, my dad suffered minor injuries. 

 “Father Christmas”

This was a terrifying experience when a man wearing a moth eaten beard together with an unflattering red suit, entered our home. He had a black bag over his shoulder. Obviously I thought it was a burglar! Screaming, I ran down the passage and hid under the bed until my mom revealed the true identity of this man.

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All these mythical characters are all good and well, but for a child with an overactive imagination, these characters are horrifying!  (Trust me!) Maybe it is better to tell the truth to your children/younger relatives.....or at least get the message across of the actual meaning of the event, like Easter for example. 

Happy “egg hunting” I guess!

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